Digestive care products

Veggie veggie

Price :

From   KES 3900.00


Veggie Veggie   

Bioenzyme Detoxification DrinkTo shape your body

To relive gastrointestinal burden

To improve metabolismTo remove acne

What is in Veggie Veggie Digestive Enzymes?

Veggie Veggie Digestive Enzymes is a digestive formula containing enzymes responsible for breaking foods down into nutrients that the body can use and encourages proper absorption.

A comprehensive, super strength, 100% vegetarian complex to support maximum digestive health.

Helps with overall protein, fat, carbohydrate, and fiber digestion.

Health Benefits of Veggie Veggie Digestive

Digestive enzymes are essential to the body's absorption and full use of food.

The capacity of the body to make enzymes diminishes with age, and therefore the efficiency of digestion declines.

Veggie Veggie Digestive Enzymes have a refreshing taste and support digestion when taken after meals.

Proper digestion and absorption of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and mineralsNatural digestive health and reduction of bloating, gas and general indigestionReduced susceptibility to food allergiesImmune system supportWhy BF Suma Veggie Veggie Digestive Enzymes are a Good Choice?Our Veggie Veggie are made from 120 kinds of fruits and vegetables, and contain. In addition, insoluble fiber, soluble fiber, anthocyanin, and phytochemicals have been included for a full spectrum of enzymatic activity.Bf SumaBf Suma Veggie Veggie 15 Sachets

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