weight and manegment

Ez slim tablets

Price :

From   KES 5500.00



 Active Ingredients


White kidney beans

Gymnema slvestre

Citrus aurantium

Health benefits of ez-slim tablets

1.Block fat.

2. Block starch.

3. Helps in Burning of fat.

4. Good for diabetes.

5. Eliminate excess blood sugar.

6. Activate liver cells.

7. Relieves congestion of the liver, spleen and kidneys.

8. It cleanses blood by synthesis of fatty acids and cholesterol.

9. Modulate the pancreas  for it to function well.

10. It increases the effectiveness of insulin and it's ability to handle glucose.

11. Reduce the absoprtion of fat.

12. Blocks the decomposition of starch reduce the transformation from starch to fat.13. Reduce the absoprtion of sugar 14. Accelerates the burning of fat.

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