weight and manegment


Price :

From   KES 3100.00



consists of Red quinoa powder,

, psyllium husk,

green coffee extract

Elements can be used as a meal replacement to achieve caloric balance and provide healthy nutrition for the body

.Health Benefits of Elements 

.Helps the body to absorb nutrients

.Burns and breaks up fat

.Cleans the liver and kidney 

.Used by millions of people as a healthy meal replacement and source of balanced nutrition with countless reports of proven results & effectiveness

.Healthy meal that heals the body,Strengthens the immune system,Supports cardiovascular health Lowers cholesterol,improves gastrointestinal and digestive health,Enhances the natural cleansing and detoxification mechanism,Reduces cancer risks with antioxidant protection that inhibits viral replication,Healthy meal for those who are on the go.

.Banana fruit powder, maltitol, and carrageenan

Why BF Suma Elements?

Scientifically formulated to promote good for heart care and blood circulationGood for spleen and immunity improvementSupports good for lungs functionsGood for kidney and reducing water retentionConducive to metabolism and liver protection

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